Prove that a simple graph having n vertices and k components can have at most (n-1)(n-k+1)/2 edges.

Unit 1

B.Sc. III (Semester – VI ) [Paper XII]

(Graph Theory )

 Theorem:- Prove that a simple graph having n vertices and k components                       can have at most  (n-1)(n-k+1)/2    edges.    
  Prove that a simple graph having n vertices and k components can have at most  (n-1)(n-k+1)/2  edges.

  Prove that a simple graph having n vertices and k components can have at most  (n-1)(n-k+1)/2  edges.

  Prove that a simple graph having n vertices and k components can have at most  (n-1)(n-k+1)/2  edges.

  Prove that a simple graph having n vertices and k components can have at most  (n-1)(n-k+1)/2  edges.

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